Wow yet another week here in Sicuani!! I am just having a blast here though! But first to start we had a baptism this week!! It was so awesome! Jhon, who is 13 years old got baptized on Halloween and it was a wonderful time. To see him go into that convenant was so awesome. We also had the opportunity to confirm him a member of the church on Sunday too. So that was so cool to have a baptism the second week in the field. We are also hoping to have another girl get baptized this coming month so we are excited for her too. Well not much has happened besides just proselyting in town and to all of our investigators. They are all doing well, we are pretty booked most of the time between less actives and recent converts too. But i just love everyone here. They are so awesome! A funny story, we were teaching a young man about the Restoration and he fell asleep! Literally! So funny though, but we asked him about it and he had no idea what we taught him, so that was interesting. Also i got to try Alpaca meat! It was surprisingly good and we had it a few times since then. Kinda tough, but i like it. I have also found out i hate beets! Yuck! it is so gross. I am usually not picky but they are not great.
My money got in my card this week, and we don't really get much for a months worth, but it is enough. We pay our pensionista her stuff first and in the end i get 70 soles for personal stuff (25 dollars) and 50 soles for travel (17 dollars). It doesn't seem like much but things are much cheaper here and i can buy all my stuff for the month with this. Well my Spanish is coming along too, i am understanding more and more each day and i am learning more words each day too. But like i said not much has happened and i am just enjoying it here and cant wait to teach more and be fluent in no time. Well i miss all of you like crazy, this week i was getting a little home sick. But i am fine. Things are going fine, just miss the easiness of America sometimes. Well, that's that for this week, hope all of you are doing well and having a good time in the USA.
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