Very interesting week, well full of new things with me being in another area now and with a new companion. Well like I said last week, Im now in Cusco in the Villa Union Ward, but I really like it. Our area is huge compared to Puno, we basically work in this little valley at the very far end of Cusco, so one side is a big hill with houses and the other side too, sooooo lots of walking now. We are the only missionaries in the ward, so we have to visit lots of people now, but the members are awesome, willing to work and help us out. My pensionista, Jenny, is so funny and cooks amazing!! She technically is a personal chef, so we have some pretty tasty food in her house. And she cooks basically what we want to eat and I think Im getting fatter again...haha. But overall we are having a good amount of appointments during the week, working well with a few investigators and less actives. Im still getting to know everyone, but little by little Im getting to know the area. Overall Im loving it here in Cusco, first time here my entire mission, but looking forward to what Elder Estigarribia and I can do. Also my companion is sick, super funny, and we are just having a good time everyday in what we do. Loving it!!
Also this week we had interviews with President Harbertson. Sadly the last interview Im going to have with him, since he and his wife are ending their mission at the end of the month. So, it was a great chat with him and to really know how much he has helped me grow spiritually here in the mission and how he has taught me so many things. Hermana Harbertson also talked to me about the importance of the Book of Mormon and it really hit me how much it can help my life, and it was just a great chat with both of them for the last time. Our new mission president will be here by the end of the month too, he is Peruvian, and from what we have heard about him, he is a great person and he will help us here in the great Peru Cusco Mission! But I will miss President and Sister Harbertson a lot, they were so great for nearly my whole mission now. But Ill be with the new mission president for my last transfer in the mission thats it.
Also Peruvian news.....election day was yesterday. Or the 2nd round to determine who will be the new president of Peru. Keiko, would be the first woman, and another guy PPK. We saw yesterday that PPK won by not even 1% of the he will be the new president in July. And also fun news, we went out to a Japanese restaurant for my birthday and for my pensionistas birthday all together, so that was fun. I love japanese food, super good! haha
But, overall a great week. Just working like usual, trying to help the ward out and see progress like every missionary wants. Love you guys!!
Lots of pictures this week since I didnt send many last week.
1. Simba is a bolivian pop that is soooo good!
2. Me and a super old member in Puno
3-6. Ivan's baptism
7. Saying goodbye to Gisela and Marleny
8. Saying goodbye to another family, Ruso and Katy, and Norma
9. Saying adios to Ivan.....super sad.
10-12. Saying bye to my pensionista, the bishop, and the youth in the ward.
13. Adios Elder Yepez.
14. Elder Cacoango was in Puno.
15-17. Villa area.
18. Our chapel.
19. Our MTC group....or most of us.
My zone from Puno and our zone dinner a few weeks ago.